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Event Marketing

event marketing

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Event Marketing: A Great Tool for Building Brand Communities


Are you tired of traditional marketing methods that seem to fall flat with your audience AND your brand community-building efforts? Event marketing might just be the answer you're looking for.

Event marketing is a powerful tool for brands to connect with their audience and build a loyal community of customers.

By providing an immersive experience that engages customers on a personal level, brands can foster a sense of community and create a buzz around their products or services.

But how do you create an event marketing plan that works for your brand?

In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of event marketing for building brand communities and provide you with a step-by-step guide to creating a successful event marketing plan.

What Is Event Marketing?

Event marketing is a type of marketing strategy that involves creating and promoting an experience around a product or service.

The goal of event marketing is to engage and connect with potential customers on a deeper level, fostering a sense of community and excitement around the brand.

Event marketing can take many forms, including trade shows, pop-up events, product launches, and more.

And they take up 21% of corporate marketing budgets.

What is event marketing
What is event marketing | Source

How Event Marketing Can Help Build Brand Communities

1. Facilitating Customer Engagement

Gone are the days of passive advertising, where brands would throw ads at consumers again and again and again and hope they stick.

This may work with promotions but not with your efforts to build a community around your brand.

With event marketing, you get to engage with your customers on a personal level, creating an interactive experience that allows them to interact with your brand and products.

2. Creating a Sense of Community Among Customers

People crave connection, and that's especially true when it comes to the brands they love.

By creating an event that brings people together, you're fostering a sense of community that goes beyond just your products.

People will feel a sense of belonging and camaraderie with others who share their love for your brand, creating a powerful bond that can lead to increased brand loyalty.

3. Providing a Platform for Customers to Interact With the Brand

When was the last time you had an opportunity to ask a brand representative a burning question about their product?

With event marketing, you can provide your customers with a platform to ask questions, provide feedback, and interact with your brand in a way that goes beyond just a social media comment.

By creating a dialogue with your customers, you'll be able to gain valuable insights that can help you improve your products and services.

Having a great event marketing plan benefits your brand in several ways
Having a great event marketing plan benefits your brand in several ways | Source

4. Generating Excitement and Buzz Around the Brand

Let's be real… people LOOOVE a good event.

By creating an experience that's unique, exciting, and memorable, you'll be able to generate a buzz around your brand that can lead to increased brand awareness and customer engagement.

Plus, with the power of social media, your event has the potential to go viral, reaching new audiences and expanding your brand's reach.

Event Marketing Plan: Top Tips to Succeed in Your Community-Building Efforts

Understanding Your Target Audience

It's not enough to just throw a party and hope people show up.

Do some research and find out what your audience is passionate about, what they value, and what they're looking for in a brand.

Choosing the Right Type of Event for Your Brand

Consider your brand's personality and values, and choose an event that aligns with them.

Whether it's a product launch, a pop-up shop, or a charity event, make sure it's something that makes sense for your brand and will resonate with your audience.

Creating an Immersive Brand Experience

This is where the magic happens.

You want to create an event that not only engages your audience but immerses them in your brand.

Think about the senses and how you can use them to create a memorable experience.

Every element should be carefully considered– from the music and lighting to the food and decor — to create an experience that truly represents your brand.

Or you could even use event mobile apps, as 62% of events organizers believe they drive attendee engagement.

Leveraging Social Media to Amplify the Event’s Impact

Your event doesn't end when the lights go out…

So, use social media to amplify your event's impact and reach a wider audience.

What can you do? You can create a hashtag and encourage attendees to share their experiences on social media.

Use live streaming like Starbucks did (when they broadcasted their event showcasing the importance of voting)

Or you can also use paid social media advertising to reach people who weren't able to attend the event in person.

To Recap

Creating an event marketing plan takes time and effort, but it's worth it to create a memorable experience that builds brand communities.

By following the many tips I listed in here, you'll be able to create an event that truly represents your brand and resonates with your audience.

So, get out there and start planning your next event!


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About Chris M. Walker

Chris has been active in the Information Technology industry for over a decade. In 2013 he began working in Search Engine Optimization and internet marketing. He has a proven track record of helping businesses reach their full potential with a combination of SEO, PPC Advertising, Social Media and Reputation Management, Custom Mobile App Development. Turning his clients businesses into Superstars.


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