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LinkedIn Content Rank

linkedin content rank

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LinkedIn Content Rank: What Does The Algorithm Love | 2023

Are you looking to boost your visibility and engagement on LinkedIn in 2023? With its ever-evolving algorithm, it can be challenging to determine what type of LinkedIn content resonates with your audience.

In this article, we will dive into the algorithm's workings and provide insights on how to rank higher in the feed.

Additionally, we will highlight three key content types that the algorithm loves and provide tips on how to make the most of each.

LinkedIn content strategy

How the LinkedIn Algorithm Works in 2023

The LinkedIn algorithm is like a mastermind that's always on the lookout for high-quality content to share with its members.

So, what do you need to know?

Well… the algorithm has become more intelligent, so it's more important than ever to have a solid LinkedIn content strategy in place.

Quality Content

First of all, the algorithm filters content by quality.

It is a content quality control freak. It won't settle for anything less than top-notch posts.

This means that if your post is lackluster and doesn't provide any value to the reader, it will likely get lost in the sea of content on the platform.

So, if you want to make it to the top of the feed, you gotta bring your creative A-game and make sure your content is worth stopping for.

Additionally, if your post is well-written, visually appealing, and provides insights or solutions to a problem, the algorithm is more likely to give it a boost.

Testing Post Engagement

Next, the algorithm tests post engagement with a small follower group.

This means that if your post rocks the socks off of your early followers, it'll be on its way to bigger and better things.

So, when you're crafting your LinkedIn content strategy, it's important to consider how your post will resonate with your target audience.

Ranking Signals

Finally, the algorithm expands the audience based on ranking signals.

This means it takes into account who you know, what's relevant to their interests, and how likely they are to engage with your content.

If you have a strong connection with someone in your network, the algorithm will make sure your content reaches their eyes.

And… if your content is super relevant to their interests, the algorithm will take note. And if your post is likely to get likes, comments, and shares, the algorithm will share the love with a wider audience.

LinkedIn content strategy
LinkedIn content strategy | Source

What Types of LinkedIn Content Should You Post in 2023?

With the right content, you can capture the attention of your target audience and grow your presence on the platform.

And, with the right LinkedIn content marketing strategy, you can turn that attention into leads and sales!

1. Third-Party Content

First up, we have third-party content.

This type of content is all about sharing the love with others.

What's more…by sharing valuable content from other sources, you show your network that you're in the know and you're happy to share the wealth of information with them.

Plus, it takes the pressure off of constantly creating original content and gives your followers a break from all the “me, me, me” posts. (No one likes those guys!)

2. Native Video

Next, we have creating and sharing videos.

It's time to say goodbye to only text and text and text and hello to a world of personality and expertise.

With unsponsored video content on LinkedIn, you have the opportunity to bring your content to life like never before.

Whether you create short interviews, recaps, or animations, video is the perfect way to showcase your unique voice and skills.

And the best part? Your followers are more likely to watch, share, and comment on your post, thanks to the video's higher engagement rates.

You can showcase your personality and expertise in a way that text and images just can't do.

3. Authentic Images

And last but not least, we have authentic images.

Let's face it… we're all tired of those stock images that we've seen a million times.

People want something REAL!

With authentic images, you can showcase your business, your products, and your team in a way that connects with your audience and sets you apart from the competition.

Plus, images are more eye-catching and memorable than text, so your followers are more likely to remember your brand long after they've scrolled past your post.

LinkedIn content marketing that's visually appealing


The key to a successful LinkedIn presence in 2023 is all about the content you post.

By incorporating third-party content, native video, and authentic images into your LinkedIn content marketing strategy, you can captivate your audience and take your brand to the next level.

Remember: keep things fresh and be true to your brand!


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About Chris M. Walker

Chris has been active in the Information Technology industry for over a decade. In 2013 he began working in Search Engine Optimization and internet marketing. He has a proven track record of helping businesses reach their full potential with a combination of SEO, PPC Advertising, Social Media and Reputation Management, Custom Mobile App Development. Turning his clients businesses into Superstars.


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