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Marketing Teams

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Remote Marketing Teams: How to Manage Them in 2023


So, you have hired some freelancers for a small project (several months tops) or have full-time employees who reside all around the globe. Well…congratulations! You are now part of the growing trend of remote marketing teams.

According to recent data, 16% of U.S. companies operate fully remotely.

It's good for the company, it's good for most employees, and it's good for the environment (fewer cars on the road means less greenhouse gas.)

But with great power (of having a virtual workforce) comes great responsibility.

It's not just about managing the work; it's about managing the team, the time zones, and the technology.

From setting clear communication expectations to productivity and goals, we've got you covered.

Remote working in the US
Remote working in the US | Source

To Create Effective Digital Marketing Teams, You Have To:


Tip #1. Focus on Clear Communication

Don't let distance be the barrier between you and your team.

Communication is key in a remote work environment, starting with regular team meetings.

Whether it's a weekly video call or a monthly check-in, make sure to set aside dedicated time for your team to connect, catch up, and discuss what's on their mind.

(You can wear your pajamas…nobody has to know!)

Tip #2. Check In With Your Team Members Regularly

Just because your team is remote doesn't mean you should forget about small talk.

Regular check-ins with each team member can help build trust, foster a sense of community, and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Whether it's a quick call or a short message on Slack, don't be afraid to reach out and see how everyone is doing.

And who knows, you might just make their day with a friendly check-in.

Bonus points if you make them laugh!

Tip #3. Resist the Urge to Micromanage

Let's face it… micromanagement is the enemy of creativity and productivity.

So, take a step back and trust your team to do the job they were hired for.

Sure, it can be tempting to check in on every little detail but resist the urge.

Instead, set clear expectations and let your team take the reins.

Think of it as delegating with confidence instead of micromanaging with suspicion.

Your team will thank you for it.

Tip #4. Set Clear Remote Work Productivity Standards

One of the biggest challenges of remote work is staying on track and staying productive.

To avoid confusion, set clear productivity standards for your team.

This could include deadlines, expected hours of availability, and expectations for responding to emails.

Having clear guidelines will ensure everyone is working toward the same goal and that no one is left feeling overwhelmed or underutilized.

Tip #5. Be Mindful of Different Time Zones

Remember that not everyone lives in the same time zone as you.

This is especially important when scheduling meetings or calls so as to choose a time that works for everyone.

Also, be mindful of the different cultures and schedules.

Some team members might prefer early mornings, while others might be night owls.

Respect their rhythm and schedule (as much as you can, of course) accordingly.

Remote marketing teams: Americans working remotely by 2025
Remote marketing teams: Americans working remotely by 2025 | Source

Tip #6. Do Not Overload Your Employees

Just because your team is remote doesn't mean they have endless time to work.

A shocker, huh?

Overloading your team with work will only lead to burnout and decreased productivity.

And as many articles and studies have warned us over and over again, burnout is a global concern.

Be mindful of the workload, and make sure to give your team enough time to recharge and have that sweet life-work balance everyone wants.

Think of it as a marathon, not a sprint.

You want your team to last, not crash and burn.

Tip #6. Embrace New Technology to Automate Management Work

Technology is your best friend when it comes to remote work.

Without it, you wouldn't be able to… work remotely in the first place.

However, forget about the wifi or laptops for a moment, as there are other technologies that are fundamental for the success of agile marketing teams.

From project management tools to time-tracking apps, there's a tool for everything.

Embrace the technology and automate as much of the management work as possible.

Not only will this save you time, but it will also ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goal.

Think of it as delegating to your digital assistant, who never takes a coffee break.

Bottom Line

Now it's time to put these tips into action and take your remote marketing teams to the next level.

Just remember, remote work is all about flexibility, trust, and technology.

So don't be afraid to embrace the change and have some fun with it.

The future is virtual, so make sure you and your team are ready!


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About Chris M. Walker

Chris has been active in the Information Technology industry for over a decade. In 2013 he began working in Search Engine Optimization and internet marketing. He has a proven track record of helping businesses reach their full potential with a combination of SEO, PPC Advertising, Social Media and Reputation Management, Custom Mobile App Development. Turning his clients businesses into Superstars.


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