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Personalized Content

personalized content

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Personalized Content Is THE Standard in 2023

What Is Personalized Content?

Personalized content is the process of tailoring content based on individual consumer data in order to deliver a unique experience.

It is important for marketers to personalize content in order to create more relevant experiences for their customers, as irrelevant content can be off-putting and damaging to a brand.

Content personalization allows marketers to leverage customer data to create tailor-made products and services that will appeal to their email list or other customer segments.

This also helps marketers deliver more relevant content as they can isolate certain demographics and develop content specifically for them.

By delivering relevant content, marketers are able to build relationships with customers by providing them with what they need when they need it.

Personalized vs. Unpersonalized Content
Personalized vs. Unpersonalized Content – Source

Why Is Personalized Content Becoming More and More Important?

The Competition for Our Eyeballs Is…Intense

Personalized content is the new standard for marketers because it allows them to better target their message and make an impact on their audience.

A study shows that consumers spend one-third of their day engaging with digital content.

There's even more bad news.

People have a shorter attention span than goldfish.

Attention Span
Attention Span – Source

(Considering that the study came out 7 years ago, maybe it’s even shorter now.)

With so much content being produced on a daily basis, it can be hard for people to find what they are looking for.

That's how personalized content allows marketers to tailor their messaging to specific audiences and create a more engaging experience.

By creating relevant, targeted messages that are tailored to each individual user's interests, marketers can capture the attention of potential customers in a way that is far more effective than simply blasting out generic content.

Increased Efficiency Is a Must

Personalized content is the new standard for many businesses as it ensures that customers receive relevant information and offers tailored to their individual needs.

This allows businesses to increase their efficiency by delivering the right message to the right customer, reducing wasted time and resources.

Furthermore, personalized content improves user experience as customers are more likely to interact with a business when they feel that their needs are being addressed in a timely manner.

Research backs this up.

Content personalization reduces acquisition costs by as much as 50%. It also lifts revenues by up to 15% and increases the efficiency of marketing spend by up to 30%.

As you can see, it basically provides customers with an enhanced user experience that builds stronger relationships between businesses and their customers.

Consumers Demand Personalization

Consumers have come to expect personalized content, as it can make them feel like their needs are being met more specifically.

This has been the case for several years now.

If you show irrelevant content, you WILL alienate your audience.

And trust me, it can cost you big time.

Around 91% of consumers are more likely to shop with businesses offering personalized recommendations.

And 74% of online shoppers are frustrated when they see web content that doesn't target their specific interests.

Customers appreciate that businesses are taking the time and effort to create content tailored to their individual tastes and interests.

Personalized content can also help brands better understand customer behavior and trends, allowing them to tailor their offerings accordingly and remain competitive.

Ultimately, personalized content is essential in today's digital marketplace – it helps brands stay relevant, increases customer satisfaction, and drives conversions.

Benefits of personalized customer experience
Benefits of personalized customer experience – Source

Increases the Time Visitors Stay on Site

By providing personalized content, businesses can increase the amount of time customers spend on their websites. Therefore they can increase the likelihood of them taking action, such as buying something or signing up for your newsletter.

According to research, 79% of consumers say they are likely to engage with an offer that reflects previous interactions with the brand.

So, if you provide users with articles or content they will want to read, they are more likely to stay and come back for more.

They can even recommend others to read a piece they find interesting, increasing the chance for more reach.

Bottom Line

Personalized content helps to create stronger relationships between customers and businesses. It provides customers with information that they want and need.

Personalized content will help you stand out from your competitors by offering unique experiences.

As such, personalized content is the only standard for digital marketing success in 2023.

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About Chris M. Walker

Chris has been active in the Information Technology industry for over a decade. In 2013 he began working in Search Engine Optimization and internet marketing. He has a proven track record of helping businesses reach their full potential with a combination of SEO, PPC Advertising, Social Media and Reputation Management, Custom Mobile App Development. Turning his clients businesses into Superstars.


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