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SEO Content Writing

SEO Content Writing

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The Best SEO Content Writing and Editing Tools | 2022

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an extremely important part of your content marketing strategy. It’s vital that you choose the best SEO content writing tools to create quality articles. So, that readers will find it valuable and that search engines will rank it highly.

In order to help you make the right decisions, we’ve compiled a list of the best ones out there.

Use these tools to ensure your SEO content writing never falls short!

This includes content optimization and research tools, AI copywriting tools, editing and quality assurance tools, and more.

What is SEO content writing? And do you really need tools for that?

Content writing is a service that helps businesses and individuals create quality content for social media, blogs, websites and other channels.

A lot of people think that content writing is just about writing articles or blog posts.

But in reality, it’s much more than that.

It includes researching topics, gathering insights, brainstorming ideas and creating original content that solves your audience’s problems or entertains them.

What is content writing?
What is content writing?

To do all this, you need tools to help you organize your thoughts and research efficiently.

And sometimes, you may need a little bit of help to get things done faster.

Why should you use SEO content writing or optimizing tools?

Several entrepreneurs who work in digital marketing often ask which is best when it comes to SEO content writing tools.

And the answer is simple…

Which one makes your life easier?

The reason we say that is because while some content writing/editing tools are better than others, you will find a use for all of them at some point in your career as an online marketer or a freelancer, or a copywriter.

So, why should you consider using SEO content writing and optimizing tools?

1. To save time

If you’re like most business owners, you’re probably already overworked and finding it challenging to get everything done.

If you want to add content writing to your list of responsibilities, some tools can help save both time and effort.

SEO content writing is a great way to improve your website’s search engine rankings, but it’s not exactly the easiest thing in the world to do well.

It takes time, patience, and creativity to create high-quality content that will be useful for your customers and also draw more traffic from search engines.

There are plenty of SEO tools out there that can make the process easier.

They can provide suggestions for keywords, synonyms and phrases that fit within your industry and other valuable information about how people search for products or services like yours online.

2. To create high-quality content

The main goal of optimizing your content is to create unique, quality content.

The best way to do that is by using tools that can help you with search engine optimization or use programs like content editing software.

By using these tools, you can create high quality, unique and well-written articles that your users will love!

Search engines also love them because they can easily index all of your information.

With these tools, it’s easy to get good results if you’re not writing very complex content that is needed for a specific and technical niche.

3. To increase productivity

Sure, you could spend hours and hours writing up original content for your website — or you could use SEO content optimizing tools to automate much of the process for you.

SEO content writing optimization tools are like little robots that help you create content faster, but they’re also able to bring your site up higher in Google search rankings.

The best thing about these tools is that they make it easier than ever before to optimize your site’s content so that it attracts more traffic and leads.

Main SEO Content Writing tool categories you can come across.

  • Keyword Research

These tools can help you with keyword research by providing information on what people are searching for within specific niches or even certain topics.

By examining keywords related to your business’s offerings, you’ll be able to see how similar companies have marketed themselves.

What’s more, these tools can uncover obscure words that your competitors aren’t taking advantage of while giving a clear picture of which terms are likely to be popular in search engines over time. Want to know more? Check out here the best keyword research tools.

  • Content Optimization

When you optimize content for search engines, you’re creating content that’s both eye-catching and relevant.

You want your title to be click-worthy (but not so clickbaity that it gets you kicked off Google), your meta description to be descriptive (but not so long that no one wants to read it), and your keywords placed just right with the proper density.

So, content optimization tools help you figure out how your content compares to that of other first-page-worthy blogs and articles.

To do more in-depth SEO content writing optimization you can check out this Ultimate GUIDE To Best SEO tools.

  • Readability

Readability is a measurement of how easy it is to understand the text.

Tools that help with readability aim to improve sentence structure, paragraphing, and punctuation to create an easier-to-read piece of content for readers.

Some tools will also help you write in active tense to make your writing more interesting to your audience.

These tools can make content much easier to read, helping readers get through your posts quicker and learn more from what you’ve written.

Ultimately, any tool you use has its own benefits—so try out a few different ones until you find one that works best for you!

4. Plagiarism

Duplicate content is one of Google’s biggest pet peeves.

In an effort to prevent sites from passing off other people’s work as their own, search engines look for phrases that are used on multiple sites.

This can be problematic if you have a lot of duplicates or similar text on your site—it may actually hurt your ranking in search results because it looks like you’re trying to deceive search engines.

If you want to rank higher in SERPs (search engine results pages), consider using software that helps prevent plagiarism.

This way, if you use information from other sources (with proper citation and attribution), it will pass through software that will not let Google know what is original versus what isn’t!

The 8 best SEO content writing and optimizing tools

Keep in mind that the list below is not according to their importance.

This means that the first one on the list is not better than the eighth.

The criteria used for compiling this list include:

1. The ease of usage

2. Provide accurate results to other users

3. Great value for the money

1. is a copywriting tool that uses artificial intelligence to rewrite sections of your content, write an entire article from scratch, and more.

It integrates perfectly with Surfer SEO, so you can focus on a keyword and use SEO techniques to write the piece.

With Jasper’s help, people have been able to write 2-3 times as much content in the same amount of time! SEO Content Writing TOOL SEO Content Writing TOOL

Jasper promises to write your posts for you—no embarrassing spelling errors or awkward syntax, just clear, lucid copy designed by machines.

The program takes a lot of the guesswork out of writing. It uses artificial intelligence to analyze the text you provide it with and then determines what needs to be changed so that your message is more effective.

You can use it for :

  • Text summarizer
  • Blog post outline
  • Blog post conclusion
  • Sentence expander
  • PAS framework
  • Content improver
  • AIDA framework
  • Blog post topic ideas
  • Persuasive bullet points

The price: starts from $29/month

G2 score: 4.8/5 with 657 total reviews (when the article was written)

Overall it’s a pretty great tool that provides great value for the money even though it has its own drawbacks (like with every other tool on this list)

If you want to read a more detailed analysis for, you can check it out here.

2. Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO is software made for marketing professionals who are trying to stay afloat in the already competitive online market.

It can become even more difficult when you have an endless list of competitors in your way.

Sure, you could spend months or even years building up an audience base organically – but why waste time when you can use some simple buttons?

Surfer SEO’s algorithms figure out what’s working on the first few pages of Google, and then they tell you how to make it work for you!

It’s an affordable tool, and it also includes tips for images and videos as well as links you have in your content.

Surfer SEO Content Writing TOOL
Surfer SEO Content Writing TOOL

You can use it for:

  • Keyword research
  • Cluster keywords by topic
  • Plan a content roadmap
  • Create content briefs
  • Write and audit long-form content
  • Audit your existing content
  • SEO Chrome extension
  • Create optimized and unique paragraphs
  • Growth Management Platform that is in Beta version

The price: starts from $59/month

G2 score: 4.8/5 with 287 total reviews (when the article was written)

It’s easy to use, and you can even integrate it with and Google Docs; however, it offers limited credits, which one might use up pretty fast.

Unless – of course – you use this software occasionally.

If you want to read a more detailed analysis for Surfer SEO, you can check it out here.

3. Clearscope

Clearscope knows exactly what it takes to rank well on Google.

It looks up what ranks on the first few pages of Google and identifies which words appear and which words are most important in terms of ranking.

Based on that data, it gives you recommendations and a nice clean optimization score to strive towards.

Clearscope SEO Content Writing TOOL
Clearscope SEO Content Writing TOOL

With this software, you can ensure that your content is of the highest quality before publishing it on your website.

Clearscope is a total game-changer for researching topics, creating content briefs, and optimizing content before or after publication.

Its main features include:

  1. Keyword research
  2. AI-powered content reports
  3. SEO content outlines
  4. Content optimization
  5. Competitor analysis
  6. Google Doc and WordPress integrations

However, it falls a little bit in the higher end, price-wise.

Price: starts from $170 per month for the basic package that includes three users, 20 reports, and 100 keyword discovery credits.

G2 score: 4.9/5 with 78 total reviews (when the article was written)

As you can see, it’s a bit expensive, so if you are a freelancer or a one-man-show, then you probably have to settle for another more affordable tool (like Surfer SEO which I mentioned above.)

This tool is more suitable for agencies or if you have important clients.

However, if the price doesn’t bother you, it’s definitely one of the best tools, and it will provide excellent value for you.

If you want to read a more detailed analysis for Clearscope, you can check it out here.


Frase is another tool that helps you write and edit content in order to rank, but it comes with many other interesting features for content optimization and conversion.

It indexes the research and briefs just like other tools like Surfer and Clearscope do.

But, on top of that, they also have their own AI copywriting solution, which is offered as an add on for an extra payment (and extra features, of course).

Frase.IO SEO Content Writing TOOL
Frase.IO SEO Content Writing TOOL

However, sometimes this tool provides inaccurate or unrelated content.

Frase has 4 main modules:

  • Content Brief
  • Content Writing
  • Content Optimization
  • Content Analytics

The company prides itself in being an all-in-one type of software which can be great for freelancers or copy/content writers that are just starting out.

However, we find that it’s more focused on content optimization and briefings than other SEO features.

Price: it starts from $44.99/month and allows you to optimize 30 documents.

G2 score: 4.8/5 with a total of 196 reviews (when this article was written)

Keep in mind that while it’s great and affordable software, it may take some time till you learn how to use it properly (to be fair, that is an issue with many other SEO tools.)

If you want to read a more detailed analysis for, you can check it out here.

5. Grammarly

Grammarly – if you don’t know it yet – is an online grammar checking tool that helps identify, prevent, and fix grammatical mistakes.

It’s also a Chrome extension or an app (so you can check your writing in email and LinkedIn, Word…anywhere you’re writing content).

The reason Grammarly leads most of its competitors and is so heavily recommended by editors has less to do with its ability to find writing errors than with its ability to teach users how to be better writers.

Grammarly Content Writing TOOL
Grammarly Content Writing TOOL

Grammarly is the ideal tool for fine-tuning your material before publishing it, with features ranging from a grammar checker to a sophisticated writing assistant that analyzes your writing.

It also includes an excellent plagiarism detector, which is extremely useful if you’re dealing with freelancers or guest writers or if you want to avoid unintentional plagiarism.

Curated content tends to rank higher, and Grammarly can definitely help you improve the quality of your writing.

Price: freemium

G2 Score: 4.6/5 with a total of 1138 reviews (when this article was written)

This software is super easy to use as well as intuitive and with a great layout.

Also, its free version is one of the best if you are on a budget or just don’t want to spend any money on grammar and spelling checks.

However, it only offers assistance for content written only in English.

If you want to read a more detailed analysis for Grammarly, check it out here.

6. MarketMuse

MarketMuse has numerous features that will help you optimize the content on your website.

In fact, the software can assist in all steps of the content creation process.

Thus, you can quickly publish high-quality content to generate organic traffic for your site.

This is probably one of the most expensive software on this list.

This makes them a great choice only for medium businesses and organizations that will use this tool every day to research and create content.


MarketMuse can help you with relevant topics and additional keywords you need to use in your articles, so you rank higher in search engines.

It also provides you with internal and external link suggestions, ensuring you’re answering the questions people are asking in your article or blog.

MarketMuse is perfect for analyzing your existing content and suggesting ways to make it more relevant and engaging.

And unlike other tools that help you optimize a piece of content, this software provides insights for your website as a whole.

This can help reduce the time it takes to research and edit new content.

Price: Offers a free plan of 15 monthly queries and 10 total projects.

The standard package, though, starts from $600 a month, where you get one seat, 100 queries/month and unlimited projects.

G2 score: 4.6/5 with a total of 132 reviews (when this article was written.)

If you want to read a more detailed analysis for MarketMuse, check it out here.

7. InLinks

InLinks is like the best word-smithing toolbox on the planet.

It helps you craft your content so that it can show up in search engines and stay there.

InLinks makes sure your content gets better rankings than any other tool available because of its knowledge graph, which can analyze your content’s every nook and cranny.

InLinks is probably one of the most challenging tools to figure out from this list.

It has lots of options that seem tricky, but even though they’re complex, they’re worth it if you’re someone who loves numbers and analytics.


The interface may seem overwhelming with all of its complex buttons and settings, but once you learn how to navigate through it, everything will feel easier.

InLinks offers the best of both worlds when it comes to improving your website’s search engine ranking and making things easier for yourself internally.

With its nifty features, such as fixing broken links, you can now fully understand your competition while also figuring out ways to make your own content come up higher in searches.

We find that this tool is great for finding questions that people ask or for improving internal link silos.

Price: it starts from $39/month, where you get access to content optimization, internal linking, 1 seat and 20-page reports per month.

G2 score: 5/5, but it only has 3 reviews.

One thing you might particularly love about InLinks is that, unlike many other tools, it works on site level rather than page level.

If you want to read a more detailed analysis for InLinks, check it out here.

8. Page Optimizer Pro

Page Optimizer Pro is a useful tool for analyzing your competitors based on your chosen keyword.

Once you enter a keyword, it takes several short minutes for the tool to generate a thorough report that helps you analyze your competitors’ content and determine what sort of elements you should optimize on your page in order to rank higher.

If you’re just starting out as an SEO expert, this software may not be ideal for you—it has quite a steep learning curve.

It has the same features as Surfer SEO and MarketMuse; however, it’s a more affordable alternative.

Page Optimizer Pro
Page Optimizer Pro

This means that it’s a great choice for those just starting on their SEO journey (on-page SEO.)

It has excellent content optimization features and keyword competitor analysis.

It’s great for on-page SEO optimization, so for measuring off-page indications, you should probably use tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, Moz, etc.

Page Optimizer Pro is the only tool in this list that offers 3 different plans for single users (freelancers, copywriters or marketers) and 3 plans for agencies.

This way, you can be sure that you will find a package that fits your individual or company’s needs.

Price for solo users: Basic ($22/month) – you get a free trial and 12 reports per month

Price for agencies: starts at $87/month, and you get 1-5 subscription accounts with unlimited reports and domain.

G2 score: 5/5, but it only has 2 reviews (when this article was written)

If you want to read a more detailed analysis for Page Optimizer Pro, check it out here.

Conclusions for the SEO Content Writing tools

Writing effective SEO content has a number of challenges and pitfalls.

Each article and website is unique, which means that you need to tailor your content to fit every project.

There are many great tools out there to help you with this, and the eight tools listed above have proven to be incredibly useful.

So if you need to write or edit and optimize some SEO content but aren’t sure where to start, consider using one of these tools.

This list doesn’t include every tool in the SEO content writer’s toolbox, but it does contain our personal favorites.

What new amazing tools have we missed? Let us know.

Now that you know the best tools for Content writing and editing, do you want to know How To Start a Blog. Check it out here!

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About Chris M. Walker

Chris has been active in the Information Technology industry for over a decade. In 2013 he began working in Search Engine Optimization and internet marketing. He has a proven track record of helping businesses reach their full potential with a combination of SEO, PPC Advertising, Social Media and Reputation Management, Custom Mobile App Development. Turning his clients businesses into Superstars.


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